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Foldable rollcage

This was the first project of my second year. This project was an assignment by an actual client who wanted that product to be developed. The rollcage had to be very strong when it was set up and very low when it was collapsed. It had to be attached to the Gator at all times and had to lock automatically. The client was Strong Viking, a company that uses Gators to build opstical runs. The Gators needed to be transported by truck. Not all Gators fit in one truck so by collapsing the rollcages the Gators can be stacked on top of each other. During this project I learned a lot, for instance how to work with an actual client and work in a big multidisciplinary group of 12 people. I really liked that. At the end we had a working prototype, the client was very happy with it and it is still used today.
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